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A natural transformation

Emergence takes place over a significant transformative period - the Solstice. The Ancients referred to the Solstice as a period of “rebirth”, a moment in time when the Sun pauses before heading in an altered direction.


There are two Solstice periods each year - in the Southern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice takes place in June and the Summer Solstice takes place in December. The exact times of the Solstices vary from year to year and so the scheduled dates of our programmes are announced in advance of those times.





Emergence provides a space and time for you to view the year gone by and arrive at a moment of appreciation and gratitude for what has been, seeing with an expanded knowing of certainty and clarity that no matter what, or who, presented itself throughout the year, everything has convened to take you forward, or pull you up, and has ultimately been “on the way”.  And with such a flow of appreciation and gratitude for yourself and others, a realisation that you know, that you know, that you know, the truth and meaning of your existence. 


Emergence provides the tools to lead you to feelings of limitlessness, empowerment and rejuvenation, with a true sense of unconditional love for those more consistent and productive teachers in our lives and for the random visitors and events.


Celebrate your unique journey, allowing new levels of potency and expansion to occupy your thoughts and dreams for the year ahead.  


  • Clear the past year to open up to expanded opportunities in the year ahead

  • Utilise aspects of the Demartini Method, clearing perceived positive and negative charges

  • Open your heart with gratitude meditations

  • Receive a recommendation for the actual Solstice moment 

“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today”  

-- Malcolm X

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